
Anne Marieke


Hi I am Anne Marieke from the Netherlands. I moved to Iceland in May 2017 after visiting it many many times before. I arrived here by boat which will be my innitiative blog. Iceland has been my favorite destination since I was born. And now finally moving there is a dream come true! I came to Iceland from scratch, without a lot of money so quite literally start a whole new life. I start with one of the easy access jobs in one of the many greenhouses and see how far I can get from that base. In my free time I likw learning from Icelandic culture and of course travel around and share my experiences with the world. I have been traveling most of the western part of Iceland, I join the horse roundups every autumn, and I am educated in the equestrian business so I have great interest in the Icelandic horses as one can guess. I dont work with them as of yet, but have plenty available for my entertainment. My aim to become part of the blogging community is to share my passion and help people getting around with questions they may have and maybe inspire people. I already have my own blog and will use that content also here, however my own blog is more experience orientated, and this one will be informative in nature. If you have any questions about Iceland and in general my interests, feel free to ask me. In Dutch or English. My blogs will change between Dutch and English, mostly English as naturally my Dutch will get less if not speaking it anymore regulary. I am not a (private) guide, but I dont opt it out for the future if I found my way within the Icelandic society.



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