Landmannalaugar | A colorful highland tour
Exploring the geothermal paradise Landmannalaugar
Im gonna stay with you a little bit longer in the highland of southern Iceland (see my last blog from the highland as well) and take you to the geothermal wonderland Landmannalaugar one of my favourite places. If you havn´t been there then I totally recommend a trip to this beautiful gem of Iceland.This region is based not so far away from the volcano Hekla which is one of Iceland´s most active volcanoes also called the gateway to hell so as you see there is a lot to discover and be curious about.
The area is best described as range of multicolored mountains with endless lava fields, geothermal activity and hot steamy earth. Its pretty impressive to be close to an active volcano viewing endless lava and majestic colorful mountains with smoking earth around you as well. Wouldn´t you agree !? The colours and all the beauty is so overwhelming that its hard to describe so as you can imagine this is something very spectacular. The area is accessible from late June throughout September.
I recommend driving a good 4x4 car because the road is rough and rugged best described as a “washing board road”. I know it doesn´t sound very charming driving a bumpy road but you wont be disappointed when you reach your destiantion and you will forget about the road while driving. You have to cross a few rivers as well so as you can see a good car is crucial. There is a lot to discover on the way and amazing to see the shift in the landscape on this route. Be prepared to stop several times before arriving to Landmannalaugar.
Landmannalaugar region is a great place both for exploring, photographing and hiking.This is the hikers and photographers paradise in every way.Also there is a cool little natural hot pool where you can rest and relax at the end of the day or whenever you want. How amazing is that. Ofcourse the facilities there are very primitive but that is what makes your trip more enjoyable, getting more freedom and fun.
If you don’t want to do an intensive hike up there I nevertheless recommend you walk up some hill or a mountain to get the idea what the view is like and to be able to get the heaven on earth feeling. Its actually a must to do so. You can follow one out of many hiking trails offered and you really dont need to go far. The picture and the scene from above is hair-raising giving you goosebumps from top to toe.
Overnighting is also a possibility if you are interested because there is some service offered as well as a camping place, some huts and a little information center too. Also they sell some food and beverage and someone told me they even host a bus bar there. I didn´t know that but not bad at all :)
I really hope I´ve sold you the idea to take this journey and do something different when visiting Iceland. If you need and want more information the pls send me a line. Also I recommend that you look at all the tours offered from Guide to Iceland.
See also:
8 Day Escorted Iceland Hiking Tour | English Guidance
Thorsmork (Þórsmörk) 2 days / 1 night
Landmannalaugar & Mt Hekla Jeep Tour
LANDMANNALAUGAR & HEKLA by Jeep, small groups
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