
Lyonel Perabo


Hi there, I'm Lyonel, a Northern Lights Hunter and a Ma Student in Folkloristic. I have the pleasure of being a professional Northern Lights hunter with experience both in Iceland and in North Norway where I am now based. Don't hesitate to drop me a line if you want to have some tips on the matter or discuss anything Icelandic/Nordic related



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Northern Lights Tip 6: How to choose a Tour

Dear friends, I have to announce you that I finished the semester´s last exam. It was about old Icelandic and it featured translating parts of the younger Edda and a passage of the Laxdæla Saga were a guy named Ólaf receives scarlet garment from the king as a Christmas present. I do believe I managed not to fail it which means that I now am free to spend my days working on other thingies, and other thingies include indeed the present blog. As far as I remember I had another post to make about Northern Lights Hunting isn't it? Let´s get to work then! While my last post was about chasing the

Northern Lights over Þingvellir

Okay guys, I know I haven't been that active this week but please, have mercy on me, I had a lengthy essay to write for one of my university course and my teacher said he would feed me to the sheep if I didn't finish on time.  Also there has been very little to see in the skies lately. Solar activity has been extremely weak this week and I doubt many people saw anything in the Nordic skies lately. The good thing now, is that I finished my essay (it´s called "Seiðr in Medieval Icelandic Literature: Consistency or Variation?" if you really want to know) and tonight´s tour proved fina

Northern Lights Tip 5: How to find the Aurora by yourself

Hey folks, sorry for begin a bit late with this present post, but going out on actual tours plus spending long, solitary hours translating Old Norse has have taken much time in the past days...But today my teacher got sick and the class has been cancelled so I finally have some time to finally resume writing.  Anyway. Now that you all know how to select the best period, the best places and the best conditions to be able to get a glimpse of the Lights, what´s next? Going out for an actual Northern Lights chase maybe? That would be ideal at least if you actually want to see the lights I thin

Northern Lights Tour in Reykjanes

Hello folks !  It´s Sunday morning in Reykjavik and due to a severe snowstorm plus having way too  much homework I am basically locked inside. But that´s not what I want to talk about today because I have much more interesting things to tell: Yesterday I got drafted for an impromptu northern lights tour with guests from Britain. They were here on a four-day trip and this Saturday happened to be (due to the storm), their last chance to see the Lights. Thankfully, the forecast, both  Meteorological and  Northern-Lights-wise was great! We therefore left Reykjavik, heading West and entered th

Northern Lights Tip 4: How to Deal with the Weather

Okay Folks, we´ve already learned when, where and in which conditions we have the greatest chances to see the Lights.  There´s just one last factor to be preoccupied with right now and that´s a personal favorite (lies) of mine: The Weather ! Please take not of the use of the word preoccupied because it really is the weather that can (and does!) decide on the outcome of a Hunt. When a Northern Lights Hunter stops to look at the skies, nine times out of ten it won't be to determine if there´s an Aurora happening but rather to find an opening in the clouds.  In fact, once you're in winter, u

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Northern Lights tip 3: How to Forecast an Aurora

Good evening ladies and gentlemen and let us start immediately with the third instalment of our practical Northern Lights tips: How to forecast an Aurora? Well, you cannot really, but there are several useful tools you can use to give you a general idea about the likelihood of seeing the Lights on a particular night. These tools are, basically, solar activity reports. The sun is, as we have established it earlier on, the source of all Northern (and Southern) Lights and an increased solar activity can mean exceptionally strong Northern Lights. Solar activity can be forecast and studied in lon

Northern lights tip 2: Where to see the Aurora

After having read part one you have probably understood that the best time to see the Northern lights is during the winter months of 2013-2014, that is: right now!  But where to go then, to be able to catch a glimpse of the magnificent Aurora? The answer is manifold but could be simplified as the following: North! All scientific explanation put aside (those will get their own post in due time), there is a zone in the Northern hemisphere called the "Northern Lights Belt" and this is the zone where Northern lights appear the most often. It is compared to a belt because it ensnares the Polar Re

Northern lights tip 1: When to see the Aurora

Hello again everyone ! I hope you are all ears because I was thinking about starting right away with the serious business: How to hunt the Northern Lights. All over the internet, you will see countless blog-post, forum threads and other ads flooding you with info that is often patchy, and sometimes even crudely oversimplifying. This is what we will try to avoid in here by giving you thorough (yet understandable) guidelines to your quest. Ready all? let´s start then by our first concern: When will we be able to spot them ? Anytime it´s dark. Or, more precisely, as long as there is darkness.

The Northern Lights Blog

Hello Folks, and welcome to my blog! Considering it´s my first post, I thought it would be fitting to explain what will be the purpose of this blog. I am a Northern Lights Hunter and Photograph, that´s my day (or rather my night) job and it has been so for some years already (in the winter at least). Over the years, I´ve come to realize that most ordinary folk (Southerly folk that is) have almost no idea what to do to catch a sight of a good Northern Light, let alone end with a good shot of it.  I will therefore dedicate this blog to share some of my tips about Northern Lights Photography



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