Food and music in Reykjavík
Do you like food? Do you like music? In July, an acapella band is combining these two wonderful things in a night of delicious culinary treat along with a musical treat!
Two beautiful men that I know are also beautiful singers. These incredibly sweet, funny and talented guys, Pétur and Bjarni, are a part of a vocal ensemble called Olga. They have a couple of concerts coming up, where they also serve people their food! I wanted to help them out by advertising for them - and help our Guide to Iceland readers out by pointing out these incredibly fun nights! Believe me, you don't want to miss out on this :)
Olga vocal ensemble was founded in 2012 in the Netherlands and is comprised of 5 friends that studied in Utrecht. Pétur is a bass-baritone, Bjarni is a tenor and besides them there are three other guys in this great acapella band: Jonathan (tenor), Gulian (baritone) and Philip (bass).
They have Dutch, Russian and Icelandic singers in the band so they sing songs from different nationalities and of completely different genres - and they are incredibly cute, charming and funny!
In July, on the 21st and the 27th, these guys are both going to be entertaining people with their musical skills as well as serving people a delicious 4 course meal in Iðnó. They won't be doing the cooking themselves, Iðnó's head chef takes care of that. That's probably for the best because this is what they look like in the kitchen! Fortunately for them, their talents lie elsewhere...
The menu
Pumpkin and onion soup with sour cream and ricotta
Hot smoked salmon with salad, crumbled feta cheese and horseradish
Chicken breast with rosemary, lemon and roasted potatoes
Dark chocolate cake with sea salt flakes and caramel
Doesn't that sound delicious?
Where is Iðnó?
If you don't know where Iðnó is, it's that gorgeous café/restaurant right by the Reykjavík pond, next to the city hall. A place rumoured for its beauty and historical value.
If you're looking for a great evening out, you shouldn't miss out on this treat! Here you can buy tickets, for only 11 900 ISK. The dinner and entertainment starts at 6pm and finishes around 9 or 10 pm.
If you want more information about the band, you can check out Olga Vocal Ensemble's webpage.
Go and enjoy yourself - I'd love to get comments from people that are going as sadly I will miss out on this myself as I'm not in the country! And give the guys my regards! :)
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