IWONTPUL - The Best Kept Secret From Iceland
This year marks the 6 year anniversary of an international festival that started in Iceland. A festival that thousands of people all over the world have participated in - but nonetheless nobody really knows anything about it. The International Weekend Of Notoriously Tacky Pick-Up Lines starts today and lasts until Monday the 20th of May.
Previously known as IWOBPUL - The International Weekend Of Bad Pick-Up Lines, the year 2013 saw a name change to celebrate the 6th anniversary - with a more appropriate abbreviation.
The festival has only been known to people through Facebook and word of mouth.
It takes place every WhitSunday weekend, every year, everywhere for everyone.
I have once met a total stranger that told ME about this weekend, which was very amusing seeing as I started it myself.
It was created in 2008 when a few girls in Reykjavík (myself included) had a Friday night out during Whit-Sunday weekend (a bank holiday weekend in Iceland) and the topic of pick-up lines came up.
Who uses them? Why? What are the worst lines you've heard? What is the worst line that has been used on you? Have you ever used one yourself?
Personally, the worst line that has been used on me was by a middle aged man that came up to me in the early afternoon in a botanical garden in Brazil, on a Wednesday when I was about 22 years old and he said: 'When God created you, he made you walk through the queue of beauty twice.' Cheese&CringeFest. Note to self: Cheese generally doesn't work on Icelanders. It also doesn't help if you're twice the age of the person you're saying it to.
That Friday night in 2008, after a lot of laughs and a few drinks we all decided to go downtown and use the lamest lines we could think of on the guys we would meet. The aim was not to pick someone up (although if you were single and happened to do so, that was not a problem!) - but just to have a laugh.
And lo and behold, an incredible amount of fun conversations and new friendships were established (and possibly some phone numbers exchanged)... Although one Icelandic guy actively avoided me for months after since I saw him all 3 nights and used variations of 'robbery' lines on him. I never knew his name so I just called him 'The Thief' in my mind. (Thief! Thief! You stole my heart! - Your father must be a thief, because he has stolen the stars and put them in your eyes)... Just goes to show we clearly don't share the same kind of humour.
The following day it was decided to repeat using bad lines for the Saturday and Sunday nights as well. Yours truly even made a facebook event, naming it (in short) IWOBPUL. And a couple of friends in the UK and in Australia took part - so indeed it was international. That marked the start of this annual, relatively unknown 'festival'.
2008 saw 20-30 people in 3 countries taking part.
2009 the number of people was about 300.
2010 the number rose up to about 800.
2011 around 2000 people took part.
2012 had a lull year and only about 100 people signed up for the Facebook event.
2013 so far only has a handful of people that have signed up on Facebook, which is a shame because I personally believe this should be as known a 'festival' as Valentine's Day.
So I urge you to sign up for IWONTPUL 2013 and share the event with anyone you think could do with a bit of fun this weekend. :)
It's fun, it's silly and it makes you go and chat to random strangers. Most of the times you'll make people laugh (unless you're very creepy when delivering your line!) and can have a fun banter about pick-up lines.
I also think that if people are aware of this weekend then it might help people that are really awkward at first encounters. They could say a bad line but get away with it and possibly meet someone they could possibly date.
But you don't need to be single to use bad lines on people, they work just as well for socializing!
This year, as well as last year, IWONTPUL has the clear advantage of being held the same weekend as Eurovision Song Contest (overload on cheesefest!) so you can listen to tacky Europop whilst trying out your tacky lines. Believe it or not, last year this was such a success for me that I actually got myself a boyfriend through IWONTPUL Eurovision night! And he's still around... ;)
So, in honour of Iceland's cheesy contribution to Eurovision Song Contest this year - with the song "Ég á líf" (I have a life) I will leave you with this line (read with as much cheese-over-the-top-emotion you can muster):
"I want a life... with YOU in it."
对于很多人,遥远的冰岛有着世界尽头的神秘,有着区别于巴黎、马尔代夫、自成一体的浪漫。没有埃菲尔铁塔和蒂凡尼,没有热带沙滩,而是在冰川、火山、苔藓地的背景下蜜月旅拍、婚拍,甚至举办一场冰岛婚礼。来冰岛旅行,多是要跨千山万水、飞跃大洋大陆,很有一点“万水千山陪你走过”的史诗感。难怪很多人说,光是冰岛二字,就足够浪漫了。 冰岛虽然不大,但是地貌极其丰富,不同的自然景观自然有不同的气质。这一篇,就挑阅读更多从极光观测到摄影-到底该不该来冰岛看极光
很多朋友都想来冰岛看极光,但是冰岛到底适不适合看极光呢?几月、什么季节能看到极光?是不是一定要参加北极光旅行团?如何能拍摄出美丽的极光照片呢?在冰岛住了好几年了,从刚开始逢极光必出门,到如今家里阳台就能看极光,我对在冰岛看极光的了解和经验,也算得上大半个专家了,且听我娓娓道来吧。 到底该不该来冰岛看极光呢?最坦诚的答案是,不要只为了看极光而看极光。 极光原理 太阳活动→太阅读更多迷失冰岛的米湖游览推荐|不只有温泉的地热宝藏区
我在冬夏秋均到访过米湖,看过米湖的不同面。一直以来,米湖到底值不值得去是很多游客争论的问题。有些人觉得这里是来冰岛旅行的必去目的地,有些人则说米湖“太丑了”,连照片都不想多拍几张。那米湖到底值不值得来呢?到底怎么玩呢? 米湖的风景 北部的米湖,因地理位置相距首都雷克雅未克略远,很多来冰岛的短途游客选择放弃,其实米湖应该是和黄金圈、南岸沿线至冰湖齐名的冰岛景色,这里冷热相融,可谓最冰岛,尤其阅读更多