Essential gear for winter photography
The nights are getting darker and the inevitable is happening! Summer will soon start to fade and give in to fall which happens to be one of my favourite seasons as a photographer. The colours and mood it brings always bring a smile to my face. Soon thereafter winter will reign.
As working photo guide I often get asked by photographers what gear to bring to maximize their chances for good photographs. While there might be some gear that gives you slight advantages over others it won’t make or break your trip. However, I’m going to throw a list together of things that you definitely should leave home without!
An essential piece of gear. The sturdier the better! Almost everyone coming to Iceland will want to photograph the northern lights or some of the many majestic waterfalls the country has to offer. Often the best way to get a pleasing image of a waterfall is to shoot with longer shutter speeds. Anything from 1-30 seconds is not uncommon. Needless to say, you won’t be able to handhold your camera and get a sharp image so the tripod is key. The same could be said about the northern lights. Shutter speeds often range from 5-15 seconds and the camera needs to stay very still. In a windy situation, a sturdy tripod is key for success!
I’m not going to say they are essential like the tripod, BUT, if you want those silky smooth waterfall images you have to be able to shoot at longer shutter speeds. For that to happen, us photographers use ND filters (i.e. neutral density filters). They basically work like sunglasses for your lens. Limiting the amount of light reaching your camera's sensor. Hence letting you shoot at longer shutter speeds.
Personally I use the LEE filter system which is quite expensive but very high quality. In my kit I carry the following:
- 6 stop nd filter – reducing the amount of light 6x times
- 10 stop nd filter – reducing the amount of light 10x times
- 3 stop soft graduated filter – I use to balance the light difference between foreground and sky
- Lee 105mm polarizer – great for reducing glare on non-metallic objects and enhancing colour
Regarding cameras and lenses, I suggest to people to stick to what they have. Bringing loads of new unfamiliar gear can be too confusing to people and therefore just ends up ruining opportunities rather than presenting new ones.
I would, however, like to point one thing out especially regarding the northern lights. To photograph them a faster lens is much appreciated and will help improve picture quality. A good wide-angle lens with an f/2.8 or faster will definitely help in catching that unforgettable image!
If you are headed to Iceland this winter to join us for the aurora hunt I wish you the best of luck and may the force be with you!
对于很多人,遥远的冰岛有着世界尽头的神秘,有着区别于巴黎、马尔代夫、自成一体的浪漫。没有埃菲尔铁塔和蒂凡尼,没有热带沙滩,而是在冰川、火山、苔藓地的背景下蜜月旅拍、婚拍,甚至举办一场冰岛婚礼。来冰岛旅行,多是要跨千山万水、飞跃大洋大陆,很有一点“万水千山陪你走过”的史诗感。难怪很多人说,光是冰岛二字,就足够浪漫了。 冰岛虽然不大,但是地貌极其丰富,不同的自然景观自然有不同的气质。这一篇,就挑阅读更多从极光观测到摄影-到底该不该来冰岛看极光
很多朋友都想来冰岛看极光,但是冰岛到底适不适合看极光呢?几月、什么季节能看到极光?是不是一定要参加北极光旅行团?如何能拍摄出美丽的极光照片呢?在冰岛住了好几年了,从刚开始逢极光必出门,到如今家里阳台就能看极光,我对在冰岛看极光的了解和经验,也算得上大半个专家了,且听我娓娓道来吧。 到底该不该来冰岛看极光呢?最坦诚的答案是,不要只为了看极光而看极光。 极光原理 太阳活动→太阅读更多迷失冰岛的米湖游览推荐|不只有温泉的地热宝藏区
我在冬夏秋均到访过米湖,看过米湖的不同面。一直以来,米湖到底值不值得去是很多游客争论的问题。有些人觉得这里是来冰岛旅行的必去目的地,有些人则说米湖“太丑了”,连照片都不想多拍几张。那米湖到底值不值得来呢?到底怎么玩呢? 米湖的风景 北部的米湖,因地理位置相距首都雷克雅未克略远,很多来冰岛的短途游客选择放弃,其实米湖应该是和黄金圈、南岸沿线至冰湖齐名的冰岛景色,这里冷热相融,可谓最冰岛,尤其阅读更多