Raufarhöfn - the Arctic Circle Village in NE-Iceland - and Heimskautsgerðið - the Mystical Arctic Henge
In this travel-blog I want to tell you about a beautiful area of Iceland that is often overlooked by visitors, the beautiful Melrakkaslétta peninsula in North-East Iceland.
It is located right above a very popular area in the North, the Jökulsárgljúfur canyon, where my favourite spot in Iceland, Ásbyrgi canyon, is located and many more of the spectacular sights on the Diamond Circle.
Top photo: Raufarhöfn in the evening sun
Guesthouse Hreiðrið - the Nest
One summer I went on a 3-week-tour around Iceland and visited areas of Iceland which I hadn't seen since I was a teenager, f.ex. Raufarhöfn village, where we stayed for 2 nights in a beautiful guesthouse, called Guesthouse Hreiðrið - Nest Guesthouse.
We found the name to be so inviting and we got a beautiful apartment with a kitchen, which was like a suite, and had a lovely stay there, true to the name of this guesthouse.
The kitchen in our room at Hreiðrið
During our stay at the guesthouse, we got a great deal of information on the Melrakkaslétta peninsula from the very knowledgeable Halldóra, who both works at the guesthouse and is the Project Manager for the Norðurhjari project, which is the Tourist Association in North East Iceland.
We are very grateful to her as she pointed us to some very interesting and beautiful places in this area.
Our bedroom at Hreiðrið
Raufarhöfn village is the northernmost village in Iceland, a beautiful little village, with around 188 inhabitants and a natural harbour.
Raufarhöfn village is situated on the east side of the Melrakkaslétta peninsula and is one of only 2 villages on the peninsula, the other one being Kópasker village, situated on the west side of Melrakkaslétta.
See also my travel-blog about Kópasker: Kópasker Village on Melrakkaslétta Plain in North-East Iceland.
Raufarhöfn is situated very close to the Arctic Circle (66°27.26′N 15°56.06′W) and has thus been called the Arctic Circle Village. Being situated so far up north, then the inhabitants of Raufarhöfn experience the longest summer nights and the darkest winter days.
By the miniature version of the Arctic Henge
On our visit to both Raufarhöfn and Kópasker villages, we came across some fun characters made by the artist Sigurlína J. Jóhannesdóttir. She lives on a farm just outside of Kópasker village, and I will show you more of her funny characters in my travel-blog about the west side of Melrakkaslétta peninsula.
I love artwork like this and took a lot of photos with me next to them ;)
The photo above is in Raufarhöfn village and is a miniature version of the Arctic Henge, which can actually be seen in the distance, right above my head. And the one below is also in Raufarhöfn village.
This "woman" lives in Raufarhöfn :) Many of them are cooking food
The first landscape we encountered when we drove up to the peninsula on our way to Raufarhöfn village was the vast, flat prairie of Melrakkaslétta.
One can see strange lava formations on the prairie, some of which look like there are people standing on the prairie in the distance. I had to stop many times just to get out of the car and take photos of these lava formations.
I felt like I was alone in the world, we were there late at night and stopped the car by the side of the road and took photos, surrounded by this vast flat landscape with lava formations, which were lit up by the sunshine. It was ever so beautiful.
Somewhere on the Melrakkaslétta plain
I had seen photos of a new structure in Raufarhöfn, which is called the Arctic Henge, Heimskautsgerðið in Icelandic, and I was drawn to see it with my own eyes. And I was not disappointed by my visit, I was in awe of the beauty of the Arctic Henge and the peninsula.
I saw so many beautiful spots, which I want to introduce to you, that I wrote several travel-blogs about this remote place in Iceland.
By the Arctic Henge
We got settled in our room and went to look for the Arctic Henge, which is situated on a hill by Raufarhöfn village. I was very eager to see it and didn't want to wait until the next morning to visit it. It is a massive structure, made out of basalt columns.
It is not finished yet, but the 3 gates (out of 4) and the massive column in the middle, that have already been erected, were enough to blow my mind.
Work started on the Arctic Henge in 2004 and it has now become the biggest attraction on Melrakkaslétta.
By the Arctic Henge
The idea behind the Arctic Henge is to harness the Midnight Sun by the Arctic Circle.
There is an unrestricted view in all directions from the hill on which the Arctic Henge stands. And I can tell you that it is awesome seeing the sun shining through it. And it makes for very impressive photo opportunities.
The instigator for the Arctic Henge was the hotel manager of Hotel Norðurljós, Erlingur Thoroddsen, who sadly died in December 2015. The artist Haukur Halldórsson designed the Arctic Henge.
The Arctic Henge and Raufarhöfn village
The idea for the Arctic Henge derives from Norse Mythology; from the best-known Edda poem Völuspá - The Prophecy of the Seeress. This is the old belief of the Vikings, called Ásatrú in Icelandic.
When the Arctic Henge will be finished it will be 52 meters in diameter with an 8-meter high column with a crystal on the top, which will light up the Arctic Henge.
By the Arctic Henge - the sun kind of ruined the colours of this photo
And there will be a Dwarf Path with 72 stones, each one of the stones will be representing a dwarf's name. This will be quite something! It reminds me of Stonehenge and it will also serve as a giant sundial.
A new footbridge was added from the parking lot to the Arctic Henge in 2019. It was named Bifröst and serves as a bridge between earth and the dwellings of the pagan gods. You can see photos here.
In Norse mythology, Bifröst is the rainbow that carries the pagan gods to earth when they have some business with men.
The Arctic Henge - Heimskautsgerðið
There are so many fun photo opportunities here, and I went wild taking photos from different angles. Just one thing, let's not climb on these rocks; doing so is both disrespectful to the project and plain dangerous! And no tourist cairns, that is very much frowned upon.
See also my travel-blog: The Old Tradition of Creating Stone Cairns in Iceland
After exploring the Arctic Henge for the first time - we went up there 3 times in different light - we had a good night's sleep at our lovely Guesthouse Hreiðrið - Nest and looked forward to a full day of exploring Melrakkaslétta plain the next day, and to cross the Arctic Circle.
Sunset by the Arctic Henge
From road 85 turn onto road 874 for Raufarhöfn and Melrakkaslétta. The Arctic Henge is located on the north side of the village Raufarhöfn.
Raufarhöfn is located some 602 km away from Reykjavík if you drive the clockwise circle. I drove the anti-clockwise circle when I visited Raufarhöfn.
You can rent a car in Reykjavík, and drive up there in a couple of days. There are many beautiful stops on the way so do take your time and make the most of your Iceland visit.
Here are the other travel-blogs I wrote about my visit in the right order:
Hraunhafnartangi in North Iceland - one of the Northernmost Spots on the Mainland of Iceland
Rauðinúpur Cape and the 2 Sea Stacks on Melrakkaslétta in North-East Iceland
Kópasker Village on Melrakkaslétta Plain in North-East Iceland
Grettisbæli - the Lair of the Viking Grettir the Strong in Öxarnúpur in North-East Iceland
Here you can see the location of Raufarhöfn and the Arctic Henge on the map. GPS: 66°27'43.0"N 15°57'46.9"W.
Have a lovely time in Raufarhöfn and at the Arctic Henge :)
对于很多人,遥远的冰岛有着世界尽头的神秘,有着区别于巴黎、马尔代夫、自成一体的浪漫。没有埃菲尔铁塔和蒂凡尼,没有热带沙滩,而是在冰川、火山、苔藓地的背景下蜜月旅拍、婚拍,甚至举办一场冰岛婚礼。来冰岛旅行,多是要跨千山万水、飞跃大洋大陆,很有一点“万水千山陪你走过”的史诗感。难怪很多人说,光是冰岛二字,就足够浪漫了。 冰岛虽然不大,但是地貌极其丰富,不同的自然景观自然有不同的气质。这一篇,就挑阅读更多从极光观测到摄影-到底该不该来冰岛看极光
很多朋友都想来冰岛看极光,但是冰岛到底适不适合看极光呢?几月、什么季节能看到极光?是不是一定要参加北极光旅行团?如何能拍摄出美丽的极光照片呢?在冰岛住了好几年了,从刚开始逢极光必出门,到如今家里阳台就能看极光,我对在冰岛看极光的了解和经验,也算得上大半个专家了,且听我娓娓道来吧。 到底该不该来冰岛看极光呢?最坦诚的答案是,不要只为了看极光而看极光。 极光原理 太阳活动→太阅读更多迷失冰岛的米湖游览推荐|不只有温泉的地热宝藏区
我在冬夏秋均到访过米湖,看过米湖的不同面。一直以来,米湖到底值不值得去是很多游客争论的问题。有些人觉得这里是来冰岛旅行的必去目的地,有些人则说米湖“太丑了”,连照片都不想多拍几张。那米湖到底值不值得来呢?到底怎么玩呢? 米湖的风景 北部的米湖,因地理位置相距首都雷克雅未克略远,很多来冰岛的短途游客选择放弃,其实米湖应该是和黄金圈、南岸沿线至冰湖齐名的冰岛景色,这里冷热相融,可谓最冰岛,尤其阅读更多